Health and Social work 1/2020

Latest issue of Health and Social work, 1/2020
• Vol.15. • 2020 No.1.

The Health and Social work is a peer reviewed journal that publishes original articles in public health, social work, nursing, laboratory medicine (diagnostic methods) and pedagogy (paedeutics). The Health and social work publishes high quality, original papers that contribute to the methodology of research in health and social work. The Journas was founded more than 15 years. Professional journal was established in 2005 at the Faculty of Health and Social Work of blessed P.P. Gojdič in Prešov, St. Elizabeth University in Bratislava. Professional journal has gradually developed based on the quality of contributions to the scientific and professional journal.

In 2010, it became an international journal, comes in two versions – Slovak and Czech. Since 2011 magazine is published in printed form and is available also on the Internet in Slovakia and the Czech Republic. In order to allow students access to the journal is an online form for free.

A selection of the content of the latest issue

  • The Meaning of Consscientious Objections as an Instrument Executing the Constitutional Freedom of Conscience in Slovakia
  • View of obesity, physical condition and motor skills of adolescents with a lower degree of intelectual disability based on literature
  • Bacteriophages versus antibiotics in the struggle against resistant bacterial infections
  • The Impact of the Gut Microbiota on Human Health
  • Obesity in General Practice
  • The Impact of Yoga on Stress of Nurses: A Pilot Study
  • Protection of personal data in health care
  • Review of the Mnograph Public Health and Diagnostic Aspects of Tuberculosis and HIV/TB Coinfection by Beňo P. and Samohýl M.

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Health and Social Work) SK/EN, issue 1/2020